
Private land ownership is vanishing for residents of Canada and, as of late, New Zealand. This is a part of an international movement where governments around the world are embracing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Among other things, this proclamation seeks to alter the concept of private property.
UNDRIP is being implemented covertly and with little fanfare. No politician in Canada has informed the public about its grave consequences. This is due to the fact that Stephen Harper’s International Democrat Union, a broader organisation, is comprised of the majority of political parties in the globe. They are attempting to impose their will on politicians in order to establish a new global order.

Canadian lawmakers passed Bill C-15 in June 2021. The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) is now incorporated into Canadian legislation thanks to this measure. To ensure that Canadian laws comply with the UNDRIP, it states that the government of Canada must collaborate with Indigenous peoples.

If UNDRIP gets implemented, there’s a risk you could lose your land. UNDRIP doesn’t clearly define who counts as Indigenous. Even the UN doesn’t have an official definition. This was mentioned in a video by the C-15 standing committee. UNDRIP is being applied in different places like cities, provinces, and counties. It could cause big changes for everyone.

The UNDRIP Trap: Paul Fischer and former CBC journalist Sarah Nicholson discussed several crucial points at a December 16, 2022, Zoom meeting.

Only One Political Party: As per the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada, elected officials are not legally required to give consideration to the opinions of the voters. Therefore, what is the point of voting when there is essentially just one major political party, the International Democrat Union, headed by Stephen Harper, who is trying to install its preferred politicians across the globe in order to create a new global order?

In a 1990 court decision between Canadian residents and J. Wilton Littlechild, it was decided that elected officials are not legally required to speak with or inquire about the opinions of their constituents. It’s not needed by law, even though it might be a good idea. According to the court, elected persons in our system of government should be free to carry out their duties without worrying about being challenged outside of parliament.

Even if politicians will stop at nothing to win an election, tyranny still persists. Article 46.1 of the UN Declaration of Human stipulates that all laws in Canada must abide with the UNDRIP. Article 46.1, however, which states that the UNDRIP cannot be used to subvert the United Nations Charter or split up nations, is a topic that no one wants to discuss.

How Are We Going to Stop This?

Whatever method you can, share the truth. Inform others about this problem. Send out videos that elucidate the situation. Speak with legislators; they are the ones implementing UNDRIP, and remaining mute may imply your support for it. Inform them of the potential issues and dangers. Take back your approval. By paying the new Indigenous property tax, you acknowledge that the land you purchased belongs to them. Many will find themselves in this difficult circumstance.

According to Article 26.1, Indigenous peoples are entitled to the lands, territories, and resources that they have historically had. However, it doesn’t state that they own rights to anything they haven’t owned in the past unless you concur.

The Future’s Most Important Video

Read Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter “Fratelli Tutti” from October 3, 2023, which discusses social friendship and brotherhood. It appears to have to do with Catholic social teaching.

A sufficient number of impoverished individuals is necessary for social theology to function. Thus, their chances of success increase with the amount of poverty they cause in society. This could be harmful.

One component of UN Agenda 2030 is Fratelli Tutti. This paper talks about rapid change, addresses COVID-19, and implies that all religions support this agenda. It also discusses merging religions and civilizations, as well as migrants. It implies that everyone should be the same and that individuality should vanish. If someone else requires something you own, you are deemed a thief.

This is a hostile weapon from outside of humanity. The World Economic Forum wants everyone to own nothing by 2030, and indigenous peoples need to understand that they are being used for this goal. Rather than considering the underprivileged or needy, the wicked are only concerned with power. The UN owns the land since UNDRIP is founded on the UN. For both the general public and Indigenous peoples, this poses a threat.