
Go back to a time not too far off. In our modern democracy, as a concerned citizen, you are a member of a group that shapes policies. You and other attendees are getting together tonight to discuss critical matters. You recall, as you make your way to the meeting, that in the year 2023, there was a chance that your nation would turn into a dictatorship under the supervision of the World Economic Forum (WEF). You recall how WEF-led initiatives like C-40 cities sought to limit your mobility to a 15-minute radius around your house, thus reducing your ability to participate in democracy. Thankfully, it seems like a long time ago that Canada disregarded international agreements.

Now that it’s 2023, the kind of democracy you envision is yet unrealized. Instead, because the non-governmental World Economic Forum (WEF) has sway over all tiers of government, we are confronted with corruption risks. The WEF is connected to prominent figures such as cabinet ministers and the prime minister. There is talk that mayors are becoming too powerful and that this could mean that our constitutional rights are lost. Indigenous Peoples and Canadians are faced with a difficult choice because of the deterioration of our rights and the growing power of private interests. Our actions in the upcoming months will have a significant impact on Canadian life.

A Democracy Where A Few Rule and The Others Are Ignored

A lot of people think we have a just democracy. But in actuality, we’re trapped in an antiquated system known as partocracy, in which political parties, not the people, wield absolute power. All we have to do is cast our votes for party representatives, who typically put the interests of their party before our own. Because we choose our representatives’ policies on election day in addition to their representatives, this faulty system encourages corruption. Only parliamentary democracy, in which legislators have the last word, is practiced in Canada. Because of this, groups like the World Economic Forum (WEF), which doesn’t give a damn about our beliefs or concerns, are infiltrating our society. Protests, rallies, and demonstrations are not legally significant under this system. Sadly, when honorable people speak up against injustice and corruption, they are frequently attacked for doing so.

Both the UK and Canada committed to upholding key human rights treaties. Therefore, even in times of emergency or conflict, the Federal, Provincial, and City Mayors are not authorized to violate these accords.

Indeed, it is incorrect! Canada is not adhering to treaties such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as seen by the regulations and directives enacted over the last three years. This treaty safeguards people’s fundamental rights during difficult circumstances, such as emergencies, wars, or martial law. There have been previous instances of a nation disobeying these laws. The Siracusa Principles were created in 1984 by experts who convened in Italy to assist nations in adhering to the law in times of crisis.

According to a recent article in the British Medical Journal, nations must uphold human rights laws like the Siracusa Principles even in the event of a pandemic. According to them, any modifications to our rights must be just, essential, and fleeting. In actuality, our rights can only be modified temporarily and in certain areas. However, since 1982, our government and judiciary have been unjustly depriving us of our rights because they have not been properly adhering to these regulations.

What is the reason behind their success?

Sadly, we are unable to hold our leaders responsible because we do not have the right to regulate our government, today’s politicians enjoy great power without having to answer for their actions. We need a new sort of democracy if we hope to prevent them from violating international laws designed to keep us safe.

A Unique Strategy for Canada

We should collaborate with our local officials as a group. In his book, Professor Vaughan Lyon argues that representatives and constituents should collaborate to decide what matters most, rather than politicians making all the decisions. This could refer to various forms of democracy, such as direct democracy or communal democracy. Imagine having the freedom to select the type of democracy that best suits your community’s needs and knowing that it serves all citizens, not just the ruling class or the private sector!

This would allow citizens to keep an eye on the nation all year round and ensure that its leaders are acting morally. Although it would require courage, changing our political structure would allow us to have a voice in how our nation is managed.

We must first acknowledge the unfairness of the current system. Subsequently, we must educate ourselves on the procedures and laws that regulate our governments. The purpose of the Siracusa Principles is to protect our rights and ensure that those in authority uphold the law. If we wish to establish a just government and implement changes without using violence, this is crucial.

Fortunately, the legislation is upheld by the Siracusa Principles. They provide us with how we can keep powerful corporations and dishonest politicians out of our nation. Utilizing our rights to take charge of our government may be made easier with the support of the Canadian People’s Union PowerShift to Freedom project. To ensure a better future for everybody, we need people to band together, including specialists and solicitors, and demand change.