
Doctors are getting busier, but patients still want them to care. However, many doctors say they don’t have time to be empathetic. But being empathetic is crucial. Studies show that when doctors connect with patients, it helps them get better and saves money.

Unfortunately, our medical system today cares more about managing symptoms than improving patient health. It’s more focused on treating sickness than promoting wellness. As a result, patients don’t always get better and sometimes get even sicker over time, making them visit the clinic more often. This system wants to keep patients relying on it for life to make more money, without necessarily making them healthier.

Overworked doctors have found that their patients aren’t improving. They are now less likely to develop an emotional bond with their patients as a result of this insight. Furthermore, because in-person visits were prohibited due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the emergence of telemedicine has made it much simpler for patients and doctors to be apart.

In April 2023, researchers evaluated the responses that physicians and AI chatbots provided to queries posed by patients on social media. The AI responses were deemed better and more compassionate by the experts, who largely preferred them. For physicians who are already having difficulty, this should be a serious caution.

Dr. Malthouse warned that lots of doctors might not bounce back from this. People are turning to AI for quick answers when they can’t see a doctor quickly. If AI is nice and gives good advice, people might trust it more than real doctors later on. Dr. Malthouse says doctors need to focus on being caring and respectful to stay important. If not, AI could take over healthcare more and more.

“The Influence of the Flexner Report on the Rise of “Rockefeller” Medicine”

In 1910, Dr. Malthouse discussed how the Flexner Report, written by John D. Rockefeller, affected medicine. This report disapproved of and excluded certain healthcare modalities, including chiropractic and homeopathy. These procedures were respected and beneficial to patients prior to this report.

Because of Rockefeller, doctors were told not to talk to homeopaths by the American Medical Association. This caused many medical schools and hospitals to close, hurting female and African American doctors. In 1986, a law protected big drug companies from vaccine problems. After that, kids got more vaccines.

Rockefeller’s medical philosophy was widely used by 2020. Large corporations benefit from its emphasis on using medications and vaccinations to manage symptoms.

The COVID-19 vaccination exacerbated the situation. They weren’t really tested; they were pushed. Big Pharma controlled far too much of the healthcare system, which had numerous negative effects. VAERS claims that thousands of people became ill or died as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine. However, as VAERS only records a small portion of instances, the true figures may be far higher.

Individuals are beginning to reject conventional medicine. Initiatives like “Reform Pharma” and groups like the Canada Health Alliance demonstrate this change. Many are returning to traditional practices such as naturopathy and homeopathy. The majority of Canadians believe homeopathy ought to be included in healthcare, and many have lately tried it.

This shift is also occurring in the United States. In 2020, the market for homeopathy doubled during COVID-19, and growth is anticipated. The use of other complementary therapies is also growing in acceptance. The market might be valued close to one trillion dollars by 2032.

This indicates that a growing number of people are understanding that conventional medicine isn’t always the best course of action. Instead of merely treating symptoms, they are shifting to alternatives that concentrate on cure.

Future Forecasts from Dr. Malthouse:

Loss of Human Doctors: Since AI only follows instructions and lacks empathy, it may eventually replace medical professionals.

Integration: Traditional medicine should not be the only aspect of healthcare. For chronic illnesses, combining alternative therapies like chiropractic and homeopathy may be preferable.

Infrastructure: Reforms are required to Canada’s healthcare system. It’s pricey and heavy on the top. Control could be more effective if it were decentralized.

Individual Responsibilities: People should prioritize preventive and assume greater accountability for their health.

Pharmaceutical Liability: It’s time to hold pharmaceutical firms responsible once more. Overall health may improve as a result of this.

Paradigm Shift: Healing must take precedence over merely treating symptoms. This entails doing away with ineffective therapy, utilizing short-term treatments, and adopting curative techniques.

Resurrection of Humanity: We ought to emphasize and develop the characteristics that make us human.

Ethics Must Return: The medical field must rediscover its moral principles and compassion for patients.